Other CampusRom Projects
These are other of the projects we carry out
At national and international level :
The success of Roma youth through their social and educational participation
Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies (Generalitat de Catalunya)
Subsidies to entities for programs of general interest, in charge of the tax allocation of 0.7 of personal income tax, in the field of social policies (2019 Call)
Grant line: H. Poble Gitano
Eligible action: H.2 Socio-labor and educational insertion actions aimed at the Roma population
Duration: 01-01-2020 to 12-31-2020 (12 months)
Participation: Coordinating entity
Budget: € 11,200.00
The project "Opre-RomaYouth." The success of gypsy youth through their social and educational participation "was born with the purpose of working to guarantee the educational success of gypsy and gypsy students who are studying (or trying to access) post-compulsory studies and / or university students. At the same time, the project also seeks to improve the social situation of Roma youth in Catalonia, and in other European countries, through their political, social and scientific participation in spaces where this community has traditionally been excluded.
In this sense, "Opre-RomaYouth" will work closely with other networks of young gypsies and gypsies, at the same time as with the Pla Integral del Poble Gitano (PIPG) of the DGACC, in order to support and collaborate in two key actions of the PIPG: 1) the 1st International Congress of the Gypsy Youth of the XXI Century, and 2) the group and personalized tutoring program for students who are trying to access post-compulsory and / or university studies, or who have already agreed.
Our action will take place from January to December 2020, and will have the support of all the partners and members of the CampusRom Network, as well as other volunteers and / or occasional collaborators.
General objective:
Guarantee the social and educational success of the Roma youth in Catalonia.
Specific objective 1:
Working to ensure the success of Roma and Gypsy students who are pursuing (or trying to access) post-compulsory studies.
Specific objective 2:
Increase the political, social and scientific participation of Roma youth in spaces where this community has traditionally been excluded.
Towards the academic excellence of the Gypsy People:
Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies (Generalitat de Catalunya)
Grants for projects and activities to entities in the field of social policies (ordinary call) (COSPE 2019-2020)
Subsidy line: Line F. Community programs, promoting volunteering and strengthening associations, and promoting and recognizing the Roma people.
Eligible action: F.4 Projects to promote recognition, participation, social inclusion and equal treatment of the Roma people in Catalonia
Duration: 01-01-2019 to 12-31-2020 (24 months)
Participation: Coordinating entity
Budget: € 16,070.00
It is known that the gypsy people suffer enormous discrimination in the educational sphere, of the almost a million gypsies and gypsies estimated to live in Spain (Ministry of Health. Social Services and Equality, 2012), only 1% have managed to complete their studies university students (Ministry of Health. Social Policy and Equality, 2011), while almost 35% of the rest of the population has higher education (INE, 2017). This huge educational gap is also observed during compulsory education. Only 30% of Roma students obtain a secondary education degree, when 60% of non-Roma students successfully pass this stage (Ministry of Health. Social Policy and Equality, 2011; Ministry of Health. Social Services and Equality, 2016) . These data make clear the need for the project in order to alleviate this situation of inequality experienced by the Roma people.
Many of the beneficiaries of this project will be people who are in post-compulsory training processes, many of whom have not studied for many years and also do not have an academic family tradition, which has made it difficult for them to succeed. in their studies. In addition, many of these people are heads of families, which implies that they have to work to support their families in economic terms. For all this, many of them have academic deficiencies, especially in Catalan and English, both of which are essential languages for both educational and work success of these people.
Many of these gypsies do not have the level of Catalan proficiency (C1) because they did not obtain a school degree in their day and although they are in university, they lack this very important certificate to work in many of the fields in which they want to opt.
On the other hand, the level of English of these people is also very low, practically nil, and in the academic sphere this language is essential since it is the one most used in academic and political work ... for this reason we consider it necessary to achieve as minimum level B2 of English.
For all this, CampusRom would like to continue with the support that it has been giving so far on a voluntary basis and also start the courses to obtain the C1 in Catalan and the B1 in English.
Activity 1:
Catalan course C1.
Exercise 2:
English course B2.
Exercise 3:
Support for access to university.
Exercise 4:
Support for obtaining the graduate.
Exercise 5:
Support for university students.
General objective:
Improve the academic and employment situation of the gypsy people in Catalonia.
Specific objectives:
Specific objective 1:
Improve the level of Catalan of the project beneficiaries and obtain the certificate of proficiency.
Specific objective 2:
Improve the English level of the project beneficiaries and obtain the B2 certificate.
Specific objective 3:
Get Roma university students to finish their academic year successfully.
Specific objective 4:
To get the students of the university access course for those over 25 and 45 to successfully pass the test.
Specific objective 5:
Get the students of the course to obtain the school graduate to obtain the certificate.
Uni4Rom. The University is also gypsy:
Obra Social La Caixa.
Agreement signed in 2019 between the Generalitat and the Fundació Bancària Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, “la Caixa”.
Duration: 01-01-2020 to 12-31-2020 (12 months)
Participation: Coordinating entity
Budget: € 10,000.00
The Uni4Rom project. The University is also Gypsy aims to guarantee the access and success of the Gypsy People in the university system. To carry out these
Objective 1:
Develop an effective communication plan for the CampusRom network.
Objective 2:
Dynamize CampusRom social networks (Facebook, website and e-mail).
Objective 3:
Develop an extraordinary financial aid program for Roma people studying post-compulsory studies (CampusRom Grants).
Objective 4:
Develop educational reinforcement groups.
Objective 5:
Contribute to the territorial extension of the CampusRom network.
Objective 6:
Carry out visits by Roma referents in educational centers.
Objective 7:
Carry out events and conferences to disseminate the CampusRom Network and the situation of the Roma community
Activity 1:
Communication and Dynamization Plan for the CampusRom Network.
Activity 2:
Financial Aid Program for Gypsy and Gypsy students who are studying Extraordinary post-compulsory studies "CampusRom Aid".
Activity 3:
Educational Reinforcement Groups.
Activity 4:
Meetings and seminars.
Activity 5:
Visit of gypsy and gypsy referents in educational centers and other CampusRom events and conferences.