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CampusRom projects

These are the projects that we currently have in progress both

At national and international level :

Athletics: Section Title
RomExcellence22. The success of the Gypsy People.

Department of Social Rights (Generalitat de Catalunya)

Grants for projects and activities to entities 2022 (ordinary call) (COSPE 2022)

Grant Line: Line F. Programs of a community nature, to promote volunteering and strengthen associations, and to promote and recognize the Roma people.

Eligible action: F.4 Projects to promote the recognition, participation, social inclusion and equal treatment of the Roma people in Catalonia.

Duration: 01-01-2022 to 12-31-2022 (12 months)

Stake: Coordinating entity

Budget: 31,120.00€


It is known that the Roma people suffer enormous discrimination in the educational field, of the almost one million Roma men and women estimated to live in Spain (Ministry of Health. Social Services and Equality, 2012), only 1% have managed to complete university studies (Ministry of Health. Social Policy and Equality, 2011), while almost 35% of the rest of the population has higher education (INE, 2017). This huge educational gap is also observed during compulsory education. Only 30% of Roma students graduate from secondary education, while 60% of non-Roma students successfully complete this stage (Ministry of Health. Social Policy and Equality, 2011; Ministry of Health. Social Services and Equality, 2016) . These data make clear the need for the project to alleviate this situation of inequality experienced by the gypsy people.


Many of the beneficiaries of this project will be people who are in post-compulsory training processes, many of whom have not studied for many years and also do not have an academic family tradition, which has made it difficult for them and makes it difficult for them to success in their studies. In addition, many of these people are heads of households, which means that they have to work to support their families in economic terms. For all this, many of them have academic deficiencies, especially in Catalan and English, both languages essential for the success of both training and employment of these people.


In addition, the project plans to work with the general population to overcome prejudices and stereotypes towards the Gypsy People, since we still suffer from Anti-Gypsyism today (Generalitat de Catalunya, 2020)


  • Activity 1: Talks of Roma referents in schools where there are Roma students to motivate them and eliminate prejudices.

  • Activity 2: Talks by Roma referents in Catalan universities with the intention of eliminating anti-Gypsyism from university classrooms and promoting the success of the Roma people in the university.

  • Activity 3: Orientation tutorials both for people who will begin post-compulsory studies and people who are already studying and need this support.

  • Activity 4: General information and support for enrollment in degrees and applications for public aid/scholarships for students.

  • Activity 5: Support and reinforcement in the courses carried out by the Comprehensive Plan for the Roma People, specifically, the university access course for those over 25 and 45 years of age and in the course to obtain a school graduate in the La Mina and Buen Pastor neighbourhoods.

  • Activity 6: Support and reinforcement for Roma who are currently studying compulsory post, that is, university, high school and CFGM/CFGS.

General Purpose:     

Improve the academic and employment situation of the gypsy people in Catalonia.

Specific targets:     

  • Specific objective 1: Make Roma references visible in schools where there are Roma students to motivate them and eliminate prejudices.

  • Specific objective 2: Make Roma references visible in Catalan universities with the intention of eliminating anti-Gypsyism from university classrooms and promoting the success of the Roma people in the university.

  • Specific objective 3: Develop guidance tutorials both for people who are starting post-compulsory studies and people who are already studying and need this support.

  • Specific objective 4: Provide general information and support for enrollment in degrees and applications for public aid/scholarships for students.

  • Specific objective 5: Support and reinforcement in the courses carried out by the Comprehensive Plan for the Roma People, specifically, the university access course for those over 25 and 45 years of age and the course for obtaining a school graduate.

  • Specific objective 6: Support and reinforce the Roma who are currently studying post-compulsory studies, that is, university, high school and CFGM/CFGS.

RomExit 22. Towards the academic excellence of the Roma People.

Department of Social Rights (Generalitat de Catalunya)

Subsidies to entities for programs of general interest, in charge of the tax allocation of 0.7 of personal income tax, in the field of social policies (Call 2022)

Grant Line: H Gypsy people.

Eligible action: H2 Socio-labour and educational insertion actions aimed at the Roma population


Duration: 01-01-2022 to 12-31-2022 (12 months)


Stake: Coordinating entity


Budget: 25,431.10€


Given the worrying data in the field of education and the Roma people, the eligible action aims to work within the framework of the Comprehensive Plan for the Roma People 2017-2020 using the Successful Educational Actions, which are actions that are supported by scientific research and that give the best results. For this reason, this project will work on Family Training and the extension of learning time, since we know that this type of training not only improves the academic skills of those being trained, but also has a multiplier effect in the community.

On the one hand, specific courses will be carried out, such as a course to prepare for the exam to obtain the C1 level certificate in Catalan. a course to prepare for the exam to obtain the B2 level certificate in English, among others.


As many of the beneficiaries of the project are people who have passed university access for those over 25, they are people who, between work, family and university, have a fairly difficult time available, for this reason, the classes will be held carried out at times that benefit the beneficiaries. From the experience in other types of training and support that we have already carried out with them, we know that the best time for these people is from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. or from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.


In addition, in this project, support actions will continue to be carried out for Roma university students, for students of the course for access to the university of the Comprehensive Plan for the Roma People and for students of the course for obtaining the school graduate . For this reason, the coordinator will create and manage a group of volunteers who will carry out this reinforcement so that these courses are as successful as possible.


  • Activity 1: Specific courses to improve key skills (English, Catalan, mathematics...)

  • Activity 2: Support for university access.

  • Activity 3: Support for obtaining the graduate.

  • Activity 4: Support for university students.



General objective:

Improve the academic and employment situation of the gypsy people in Catalonia.

Specific objectives:

  • Specific objective 1: Improve the level of Catalan and English of the beneficiaries of the project.

  • Specific objective 2: To ensure that Roma/university students finish their academic year successfully.

  • Specific objective 3: To ensure that the students of the university access course for those over 25 and 45 successfully pass the test.

  • Specific objective 4: Get the students of the course to obtain the school graduate to achieve the certificate.

ReferentsRoma22. Ensuring the success of the Roma People and improving the social image of the Roma community.

Barcelona City Council

General call for grants 2022

Thematic area: X Promotion of the intercultural perspective.

Program: Actions to promote the intercultural perspective.

Duration: 01-01-2022 to 12-31-2022 (12 months)

Participation: Coordinating entity

Specifications: 22,000.00€


The “*ReferentsRoma22” project will address two fundamental issues for the Roma community today: their educational and social success, while improving their social image.
Given the worrying data in the field of education and the Roma people, the eligible action aims to work within the framework of Successful Educational Actions, which are actions that are supported by scientific research and that give the best results. For this reason, this project will be worked on under the Training of Family Members and the Extension of learning time, since we know that this type of training not only improves the academic skills of the people who are being trained, but also has a multiplier effect throughout the community. In addition, information technologies will be used to make the activities more attractive for the recipients, as well as to reach Catalan society in general, and the population of Barcelona, in particular.


In relation to its activities, the project will have Roma references who are participating in successful training processes, as well as other Roma people of recognized worth. These and these referents will be interviewed (videos and/or podcasts) sharing the content to all our platforms. In addition, they will visit different centres, organizations and other spaces in the city, as well as participate in conferences, proceedings and conferences, so that they can learn about their history and be able to improve the social image of the Roma community.

The ReferentsRoma22 project understands that education is one of the best formulas to combat discrimination and inequalities and, taking into account the strength of the media today, addressing both issues will achieve very positive results and will arouse interest within certain segments of the population.


  • Activity 1: Academic and psychosocial reinforcement groups for Roma students who are in post-compulsory studies (activity based on the Successful Educational Actions of Family Training and extension of learning time).

  • Activity 2: Videos of gypsy and gypsy referents.

  • Activity 3: Podcast with gypsy and gypsy references.

  • Activity 4: Acts, conferences and visits by Roma leaders to socio-educational centers and/or other public and/or private spaces in the city of Barcelona.

General Objectives:    


  • Objective 1: Contribute to the educational and social success of the Roma people, especially that of Roma people who are in post-compulsory studies and their families, as well as that of their communities.

  • Objective 2: Improve the social image of the gypsy people in Catalonia and Barcelona through the creation of referent videos and podcasts.

Exit4YoungRome. Ensuring the success of Roma boys and girls and young people.

Barcelona City Council

General call for grants 2022

Thematic scope: Education and culture

Program: Generate educational learning opportunities by reducing inequalities and promoting social cohesion, especially beyond school and in the afternoons


Duration: 01-01-2022 to 12-31-2022 (12 months)


Stake: Coordinating entity


Budget: 19,700.00€


The “Exit4YoungRoma22” project will address two fundamental issues for the Roma community today: the educational and social success of Roma children and young people, while improving their educational and social opportunities.


  • Activity 1: Academic and psychosocial support groups for Roma boys and girls and young people who are in compulsory education, such as primary, ESO, or youth guarantee programmes, among others (activity based on Successful Educational Actions to extend learning time ).

  • Activity 2:Cultural outings for gypsy boys and girls and young people who are in compulsory education.


General Objectives: 

  • Overall Objective 1: Contribute to the educational and social success of Roma children and young people, as well as that of their communities.

  • General objective 2: Improve educational and social opportunities for Roma boys and girls and young people, as well as their communities, generating new educational learning opportunities, reducing inequalities and promoting social cohesion.

It4All. Community development project to improve digital skills and fight against social exclusion.

Banking Foundation "La Caixa"

Call 2020 in Catalonia

Duration: 04-01-2021 to 11-30-2022 (20 months)

Participation: Coordinating entity

Specifications: 34,040.00€


The IT4ALL project aims to improve the digital skills of the most vulnerable groups, to fight against social exclusion and improve their personal and social development. IT4ALL is aligned with the mission of CampusRom, in the work in defense of human rights and for the education of disadvantaged groups, such as the Roma or the immigrant population, to improve their educational, employment and social inclusion situation. Including ICT training with interactive groups.


  • Activity 1: Selection of 16 trainers/se from vulnerable groups (Roma population, Arab-Muslim community, Latin American and African)

  • Activity 2: Work meetings with the IT4ALL network to design the training.

  • Activity 3: Intercultural training in digital skills for the trainers of the IT4ALL Network.

  • Activity 4: Creation and reuse of content and materials for intercultural training in digital skills.

  • Activity 5: Acquisition of the necessary material for training in digital skills for the trainers of the IT4ALL Network.

  • Activity 6: "Constitution of 4 intercultural teams of trainers/se of the IT4ALL Network in the territories:

    • E1: Verneda-San Martín (BCN) // E2: Buen Pastor-Nueve Barrios (BCN) // E3: Gracia-Sants-Montjuic (BCN) // E4: San *Roc-La Mina (Badalona-San Adrià del Besós )

  • Activity 7: Selection of 160 people in the territories, members of vulnerable groups (10 people x 16 trainers).

  • Activity 8: Intercultural training in digital skills in the territories.

  • Activity 9: Monthly work meetings between the project partners and/or the network of IT4ALL trainers/se.

  • Activity 10: Making a video of the project.

  • Activity 11: Organization of the final conference of the project.



General objective:

Improve the digital skills of vulnerable groups to fight against social exclusion, foster interculturality and social cohesion, and promote comprehensive socio-educational development.

Objectives specific:

  • Specific objective 1: Create an intercultural network of 16 trainers/se in digital skills (IT4ALL Network) in 5 months.

  • Specific objective 2: Design an intercultural training in digital skills based on the needs of the target vulnerable groups in 3 months.

  • Specific objective 3: Develop 4 intercultural training courses in digital skills aimed at 160 people from vulnerable groups in 7 territories of the province of Barcelona in 5 months.

  • Specific objective 4: Coordinate, manage and disseminate all the activities and results of the IT4ALL project for 12 months.

Click here to see the video of the milestones achieved so far. We keep working!!

EducaRom. Roma women who lead social and educational reinforcement projects to promote the success of Roma children and youth.

Banking Foundation 'La Caixa'

Duration: 06-01-2022 to 12-31-2022 (20 months)


Stake: Coordinating entity


Budget: 36,820.00€


Despite numerous political and social efforts, the situation of the Roma people in Spain continues to be very alarming, especially for Roma children, youth and women:

  • * only 2 out of 10 Roma children successfully complete ESO;

  • * 80% of young Spanish gypsies neither study nor work;

  • * Only 1% of the adult Roma population has university studies (compared to 35% of the rest of the population).

All these data are even more aggravated in the case of Roma women, who suffer from the so-called triple discrimination: as women, as Roma and because they have frequently not been able to have access to quality education, for which they suffer severe economic deprivation and exclusion. social (poverty).

In this sense, the EducaRom project will be aimed at improving the situation of these three groups of the Roma People: children, youth and women.

The project will follow the same 4 areas of strongly excluded Spanish cities: Zaragoza (Barrio de la Magdalena), Barcelona (Barrio del Buen Pastor), Sant Adrià del Besós (Barrio de La Mina) and Cambrils.


  • Activity 1: Educational and social support groups for Roma children and young people.

  • Activity 2: Cultural and educational visits.

  • Activity 3: Group of gypsy women.


General objective:

Improve the educational and social situation of Roma children and youth, through the active participation and empowerment of Roma women.

Specific objectives:

  • Specific objective 1: Increase the success and social and educational participation of Roma women who have socio-educational difficulties and/or suffer from some situation of exclusion and/or inequality.

  • Specific objective 2: Increase the social and educational success in compulsory and/or post-compulsory education of Roma children and youth who have socio-educational difficulties and/or suffer from some situation of exclusion and/or inequality.

  • Goalspecific 3: Improve the situation and social image of the Roma People, especially Roma children, youth and women, through their success in compulsory and/or post-compulsory education.

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