Our history
Not a single gypsy person. No gypsy person behind: CampusRom. The First Network
University Gypsy of Spain
CampusRom, the first University Gypsy Network, was born in June 2016. A network that not only seeks the access of Roma students to the University, but also accompanies all those who are already inside.
It was born thanks to the interest and concern of a group of Roma students and professors of access to the university (GAU) of the government over 25 years of age.
This group of gypsy students from the GAU began to meet, concerned about the low pass rate, with the intention of understanding why it was so difficult for them to pass the exam or learn the course content. They observed that a large part of the GAU students had been the object of educational practices based on occurrences, which implied that most of them and they started the GAU with a very significant curricular gap. Many of them had serious difficulties to follow the subjects of Catalan, English and even Spanish; Compulsory subjects in the university entrance exam. They also observed that, as a result of having been excluded from the educational system, they had serious difficulties when taking notes or concentrating to study, and even organizing and / or planning their dedication to the GAU.

It was at that moment, at the beginning of 2016, when this group of gypsy teachers and students from the GAU decided to meet outside of the course's school hours, with the aim of working on all those contents that had not been fully understood or learned during the course hours. GAU. Somehow, they began to extend the learning time of the students, with the support of gypsy teachers from the GAU. These academic reinforcement groups were based on the AEE principles of extending learning time.
Little by little this group of gypsy people began to gather more and more. They met in adult schools, in the premises of gypsy associations, in centers of evangelist worship, in libraries, and in other spaces. Sometimes they met just after the GAU classes ended, which implied that, in the same day, they spent up to 6 hours in a learning space. It should be said that the reinforcement groups were held on most occasions during the weekend. In this way, and especially in order to be able to help all those gypsy people who need it and who find themselves in the same situation as them, the CampusRom Network is created.
The success of the Network is evident, if we look at some numbers, even before the Network existed, from 2012 to 2016 (5 editions of the GAU) the total number of approved was 8 people. After the first edition of accompaniment by CampusRom, 7 students entered the university. This was just the beginning, each year the number of git @ nas continues to increase, to date there are more than 50 who have accessed universities throughout Spain and we are very proud of them. Opre Rome!